Makeup or No Makeup

10:55 PM 6 Comments A+ a-

I'm sure many of you have seen pictures of YouTube beauty gurus have makeup on half of their face. This message sends to all the people in the world that makeup does not have to be used for you to be beautiful. Many ladies/men wear makeup because they feel confident in it. It makes themselves feel more confident when they wear it. But, there are some people who never wear makeup, and are just as confident. It doesn't matter who wears what and what products are used, as long as you feel beautiful deep down. That is the most important thing. Sure, what others think may slightly alter your feeling towards yourself, because t in the end, it's all you. I personally never wear makeup most times. I will occasionally wear some blush on my cheeks but that is it. The only time I felt like I needed to wear a lot of makeup to my standards, was at the eighth grade formal. That day, with my makeup on and dressed in heels and a pretty dress (look at my profile pic in the sidebar) I felt beautiful and confident. 

But honestly, just do what you want. If people are going to judge, then let them. Just know that you are unique in your own way and that everyone in the world is beautiful, like you and me. 

I hope everyone had a fantastic Fourth of July yesterday if you live in America and if you don't, I hope you had a good day yesterday!


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erin lea
July 5, 2015 at 11:02 AM delete

Completely agree with you. Great post! x

July 5, 2015 at 3:45 PM delete

Hi, I actually just posted an article pretty similar to this. It's about being confident without makeup, maybe you'd like to check it out? Love your blog, I will be sure to bookmark it for future posts!

erin lea
July 9, 2015 at 11:49 AM delete

I tagged you to do the 8 photos of happiness. Sorry if you've already done it and I hope you haven't or maybe you can again x

July 11, 2015 at 8:59 PM delete

I loved the post Al! Thank you for bringing my attention to it!
