Where Are You Now
Wait. Annie is back on her blog??? That's right. How long has it been? I lost count to be honest. I hope many of you loyal readers have not lost hope. Or stopped looking at my blog. Because new and fresh content is coming your way. Whenever I feel like talking about it. Also, who remembers the times when I would post almost everyday? That changed to Sundays, which I never follow. And now it is, post whenever you feel like it! Today I will just be updating on how life is and stuff like that. Long post today do you ask? Absolutely. You deserve it.So recently, like a month ago, I wrote to various companies on their quality of products and whatnot. I wrote too the following companies:
- Chipotle
- In-N-Out
- Starbucks
- Burt's Bees
- Vineyard Vines
- SanfordB2B
3 out of the 6 companies gave me free stuff. That's because I asked for it and I wanted to see what they could offer. The idea came upon me when I saw a blog that wrote to more than a hundred (!!!!) companies for free things. I picked the companies that gave them free things and wrote to them. I made a standard letter for all the letters and then fixed a few details that pertain to each company. To Chipotle, I asked for a free shirt and coupons. They gave me a free shirt. Which is this one below:
I love this shirt and it's sooooo soft. Thanks Chipotle! Including the t-shirt, they gave me a free chips and guac coupon. I went into Chipotle about two weeks ago to redeem it. They accepted the coupon, but the guac looked interesting. It did not look fresh at all. I plan on writing to them again, for more coupons and a shirt. (:
The next company I wrote to and received stuff was Starbucks. Granted, I'm already the ultimate Starbucks queen, because I went to the original starbucks last year.
But I had to write to Starbucks, to see what they had to say to me. Again, I asked for coupons and a free t-shirt. They did not give me t-shirt sadly. But they give me two coupons. They were for the glass coffee drinks and the Starbucks Refreshers. Both of which I never drink that often, but I must say, they work for me. I was kind of hoping for drink coupons at their stores, but no.
The last company that gave me free things was In-N-Out. I asked for the same things I asked Starbucks and Chipotle, but I also included stickers in my list. They wrote back and included a paper hat and stickers in the mail. I was relatively happy at the time I received my freebies. But I just looked up In-N-Out and turns out you can get free stickers and a hat when you go to In-N-Out if you ask politely. So that's that...
Do I plan on writing to more companies? Yes, I do. I really want to write to all the companies that make the mini-segways. My plan is for a company to write back and send me a mini-segway if I review their product on my blog. I have seen someone do this, but writing letters to all the different companies would take a long time. Plus I have to find all the companies that make these products. Maybe when I'm super bored, I 'll do it. I really want a mini-segway. Plus, you guys get to see these segways from a person that can't really afford one! Or maybe a reader out there can try writing to all these companies and tell me if it worked or not! I'll feature you on my blog...
What else? Well, I'm running for Homecoming I guess? If you don't know, or don't live in the United States, Homecoming is this big thing where you can go to your school football games and there are many events including a parade. There is also homecoming court, which is composed of guys and girls. It is basically a presidential campaign, but you don't really do anything. More or less a popularity contest. And you get crowned king or queen. This year, my school opened up homecoming court to all grades 9th-12th. It is usually the 12th graders who run, but this year is different. Since I am in 9th grade (Did you know this? You thought I was older huh?) I get to run. Now, I did choose to run for Homecoming Lady. They call it lady for the 9th grade. There was only one person running. And since I'm in student government, they called me to run. Yes, they asked me to run for homecoming lady. Well, me and some of my other friends. Why me? I know, I asked myself the same question. So it turns out that I'm taking this very seriously. Side note: I'm not like one of those types of people, so don't start making assumptions here. I made signs for my running right when I got home. I'm extremely obsessed with designing things, as you can tell with my website. So I made three different signs for my running in homecoming lady. By the way, I have a hashtag going on on Twitter. #AnnieForHomecomingLady . I'm the only one tweeting with it...
Here are my signs:
I designed them by myself. Thank you for everyone that didn't support me!! With these signs, I had to take some pictures. So I awkwardly went outside with my camera and tripod and posed for several pictures. Why was it awkward? Because there were cars passing by and people outside. I bet they were wondering what I was doing outside taking pictures of myself... But they turned out really great. I really like them. I look more photogenic in these types of pictures than selfies.
That's all for today then! Have a wonderful day and see you next time!
Write commentsAll the good luck! The designs look ever so professional, and they're really fun. Take care, and glad that you're able to blog again.
ReplyThanks for commenting! I love your blog by the way!
ReplyI love the designs you made for homecoming, good luck! It's also so awesome those companies sent you free coupons and tshirts!
ReplyThe Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog
Awesome designs, good luck in Homecoming
Aww, you're so sweet!
ReplyThank you for the comment!! <3
ReplyI really like that you wrote to companies and they gave you free stuff. I also love your designs. Great job.
I love the designs that you made and the shirt you're wearing in the pictures looks absolutely cute!
ReplyAll the love, Eiren.
Great post, I appreciate you and I would like to read your next post. Thanks for sharing this useful information.mini segway
Replysuch nice blog and great post
Replyfrom shaz at http://ladyshazbeauty.blogspot.com/