7 Things You Need to Know About High School

9:03 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

You get to learn it first hand, from a girl who has been plucked from middle to join high school in a non-fashioned way. This is all the information gathered after spending 1 period a day at this somewhat scary place.

1. Different People

Big People, Scary People, Small People, People you don't normally see. Keep calm and carry on. The worse thing that can happen is when you stare too long.

2. Security Guards

Scariest People there. Tall and scary. And very scary. ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR ID. ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR ID. ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR ID.

3. No Dress Code (To My Knowledge)

Ladies, break out the crop tops, non-3-finger-tank-tops and short-shorts (if you dare), because its a free for all. I'm not saying you should, but if you're comfortable, great! Also, still no hats or hoodies. 

4. Weather

It's unpredictable in certain classrooms. The furnace may be kicking it on high for a day and the next, you may be shivering like you live in Siberia. I recommend taking a small lightweight jacket with you. OR have one conveniently placed in your backpack.

5. Backpacks, Purses, Drawstrings...

Whatever you choose, it's good to carry around. And if you are the type to carry a nice spanking $300 purse, only some will judge.

6. You don't have to take the bus

Going to school by car is way better, or even better, car pooling. I say this because it's the only way I can get there. This way, I get to school with at least ten minutes to spare. I also wake up and get ready in 30 minutes as well.

7. No one reads

If you are a person who reads every spare second the teacher isn't talking, then good luck to you. From my surroundings, no one ever carries a book with them for fun. The only exceptions are books for your reading class or something, like "To Kill a Mockingbird". If you want to promote carrying a book next year, then please contact me, because I will be actively involved in this protest. 

The people have spoken, and I have delivered. These are your pictures with facts. I think that is what the majority voted because we read too much BuzzFeed these days.



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April 23, 2015 at 1:26 PM delete

I love your blog Annie!
